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Troubleshooting friending issues in OSLC Connect for Jira and OSLC Connect for Confluence

On this page:

Friend rejecting OAuth key

Finding the cause

There are a few causes that could produce this erroneous state. To get more information about it, we can try to set up a Project Association with this remote application.

During the Project Association procedure, after selecting the Association Type, you should see an error notification on the top right of the page:

Click the Show details link in the notification popup to get more information about the problem:

Here, you can find a short description of the issue, which should give you a better understanding of what’s happening.

If you have such a message, you may proceed to the Resolutions section.

Else, you may be experiencing a Failed authentication or authentication loops.


Depending on the error you’re seeing, one of these pages will help you solve the problem:

If the problem persists, you may want to review the article about Failed authentication or authentication loops.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.