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Using OSLC Connect for Jira with IBM ELM

OSLC Connect for Jira is commonly used with the IBM ELM Suite. Use the following Guides and Videos to get the most from your installation.

Installation videos

Creating repository and project associations is the start for using OSLC Connect for Jira. Use the following videos to understand how to make these connections. → Learn which repositories to connect to and how to debug issues in your connections. → Learn how to create project associations in Jira and ELM to link projects.

Administration Videos

Once you have installed the product, more advanced configurations can be done. Customize the product in your teams' workflow and enable reporting in IBM’s Report Builder and Engineering Insights. → Customize the OSLC behaviors and Jira bindings. → Connect to IBM Reporting tools.

User Videos

To ease adoption, the following User Videos are available to share with teams. → The basic of creating links in environments not using Global Configurations. → For teams using Global Configurations, there is a larger value, but also some more complexity. → How users can use Jira data in their IBM Report Builder Reports. → Using Jira with Rhapsody (Model Manager) requires some more explanations on what to expect.

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