Example of Using DOORS Next with XRay with OSLC
Configuring your Jira installation (with XRay) with the QM mappings will make integrating with IBM DOORS Next more powerful. Now, you can reference your test artifacts directly to Requirements in DOORS Next. In DOORS Next, you will have access to Test on Requirements directly on the Validated By links, as you would expect tests to be. This improves the reporting situation, where you can build more complex reports and improve the clarity of the difference between change and test objects.
Connecting from Jira to DNG Configurations
First, let’s focus on connecting from Jira to DOORS Next.
Adjusting Type Schemes for Xray Types
The “Issue Types Mapping” for OSLC Connect (in Manage Apps) allows teams to declare many important values about their Jira artifacts on how they connect externally. These options are tied to Jira Schemes, so you can align workflows and actions across many projects.
By default, OSLC Connect targets Change Management Artifacts. You will see this when you open your Scheme’s configuration.

When you are using Xray we do detect that some elements look like QM artifacts, so you can click on the “Do you want to associate them?” to create some default mappings.

The result is the following:

I’m going to further customize this to disable some elements from DOORS Next and set some defaults.
When I unmap the OSLC Resource Type this means I am not supporting linking from DNG to these artifacts.

I also updated Sub Test Execution to a Test Execution Record to enable linking and reporting
For each item, I can now set the Edit Link Settings.
On one Tab, I set the label I will see from DNG, for example:

On the other tab, I changed the linking behavior from Jira to other tools (limiting the available link types).

Once I am done, I will have an overview of the configurations for my scheme.

This is an example configuration. Your configuration may be different based on your needs.
Creating Project Associations
We must create project associations to link to DOORS Next from your XRay Tests.
On your project settings, look for OSLC Connect Project Associations.

Add a DNG RM project.

Now, your Jira project knows what RM projects can be used for linking.
If you are using GC Enabled RM projects
Using GC is very common. And our tooling does support GCs. In project settings → OSLC Connect → Global Configurations.
Ensure your project is configured for configurations.

To set the context for your RM links, set your versions to the GCs you want to link to. Consider this idea is if you have created a Test Case for Version 1, this is the GC for the Requirements you are testing.
Linking to DOORS Next
Now, when navigating to a Test, you can start creating Links. In this link dialog, you see many of the configurations you have created. A Test is an “OSLC Test Case” type, so it supports these relation types. We focused on the Validates Requirement Relationship and connected only to the AMR-XRay project.

We then can see the requirements in this container in the “AMR - X Version 1” configuration (because it was mapped to Version 1 which is in the Fix Version of this Test)

Once we select one or more requirements, we can see them live on the ticket.

You now have live access to your versioned requirements from your XRay Test!
Leveraging IBM ELM with XRay
Following is a quick primer on how to get the IBM ELM side of the integration quickly valuable.
Project Associations
In DOORS Next, you need to Add Associations. If you are familiar with the OSLC Connect for Jira tooling you will expect, the “Uses” relationships, the new one is the “Provides”.

When you select that option you will see all the Jira projects with QM artifacts defined.

Note there is a (QM) suffix on the name of your Jira project for clarity in some other OSLC tools.
Using GCs (if Applicable)
When using GCs, we need to define the test artifacts from XRay projects that we expect in a specific configuration. We provide a simple mapping where XRay artifacts can be mapped into a GC using the established Jira Version.
You will see that in your GC, you can add a configuration from Jira.

Select the XRay Configuration you want to use.

And then you can see the XRay Component in the Configuration.

Simply click on configuration to see what XRay items are in that configuration.

Testing adding links
With this configuration done, you can create links in DOORS Next.
Within the standard DNG screens, you can add a Validated By link.

From this point you can select whether to choose an existing item,

or create a new Test Case.

We will check the type, GC, and other elements to ensure your linkage is valuable.

You will immediately see this link stored in Jira and hovers are available from DNG.

Note that if you don’t configure LDX, this link will disappear, so please continue and confirm that LDX is configured!
The IBM tools use indexers extensively. The LDX index is used for link discovery. The LQE index is used for Reporting (Report Builder and Engineering Insights).
To support using Xray artifacts. We need to add data sources for these tools.
In LDX, add a new Data Source for QM Resources. (You most likely already have the CM Resources)

In LQE, you must add both the process resources (if not there) and the QM resources.

If you have questions about configuring data sources for LQE or LDX, please reference the base install documentation/videos.
When fully configured, the QM support allows reporting on XRay elements in Report Builder.
You can create reports that communicate requirements to test coverage.

Yielding reports such as …

For those that are more advanced, we are supporting mapping Jira Native links to OSLC link types. This can enable more complex relationships between requirements, tests, and defects.

Yielding …